Web Based Reporting2022-03-15T18:37:51+00:00

Web Based Reporting

Ahlers web based repoerting

Knowledge is power! Let us provide you with all of the data you need to answer ANY question about client counts, poverty levels, contraceptive methods, and so much more! Our website is used by hundreds of agencies every day to do just that, which is why our mission is to support your mission.

Have It Your Way

Do you remember being hemmed in by inflexible reports that never quite gave you the information you wanted? Or when you had to make a request and wait a few days before Ahlers could respond? You were happy about the quick turnaround time then, but this is now. If you’re between 18 and 40, this probably won’t boggle your mind. For the rest of us it just may be “magic!” Ahlers provides the “Build a Report” program to report exactly the information you want from your public health programs. Agencies upload their data to Ahlers’ secure web site and we take it from there. Even if you’ve never used a web site to generate a report, our support staff will walk you through it until you exude confidence. In other words, you know how to get the report of your choice. Imagine what specific reports could reveal about trends. Imagine what they could mean for your clinic’s goal setting. Imagine how easy it would be to comply with a request from above.

Next Day Availability in a Format of Your Choice

You used to have to wait for monthly and quarterly reports to see if goals and protocols were being met. With next day availability of the reports you can make adjustments to goals and protocols as needed. Being responsible means being able to respond. With Ahlers web-based reporting, you’ve never been as “response-able” as you are now! Need answers for quality assurance? Don’t have time to audit charts? Just curious? Select a state, agency or clinic, then any time period you wish, make it comparative to the same time last year and generate the report. You may view the report as numbers to get the client identifier and visit date. Some clinics prefer to download a portion of their database in CSV format and create reports with their favorite report writer.

Not All of Us Want to Change

Let’s face it. Some of us still prefer predefined reports produced on a preset schedule. There’s something reassuring about familiarity. Not all of us embrace change even when we know intellectually that after a brief learning curve we’ll wonder why we didn’t do it sooner. Ahlers understands. Standard reports and billing registers are archived and available for viewing or printing at any time.

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