The worsening opioid crisis has triggered a new push among state governments to collect and report on prescription medication distribution. Most states already have programs in place to monitor prescriptions for controlled substances, such as opioids. However, the State of Nebraska has decided to take prescription drug monitoring to a new level. Beginning in January 2018, ALL pharmacies must report prescription drug dispensing activity to a statewide database, including pharmacies which do not prescribe or dispense controlled substances. All drugs which are prescribed and not dispensed directly into the patient while in the clinic, such as birth control pills, patches, rings, and many antibiotics, must be reported to the statewide database on a daily basis. Nebraska is the first state in the country to require this level of reporting and many other states are watching to see how it turns out. It is likely many more states will be implementing these new rules in the near future. There are 2 methods available to report prescription and dispensing activity: the first method is to enter each prescription and dispensing record individually into a web site, and the second method is to upload a file each day which contains all of the required information to the same web site. Our clients in Nebraska asked if we would be willing to produce the necessary file from our billing and pharmacy modules so they wouldn’t be forced to double-enter their prescription and dispensing activities into the state website since they’re already doing it in Ahlers. We eagerly accepted the challenge and are happy to report we have passed testing with the PDMP monitoring program! We finished a month early and at no cost to our loyal Cloud and EMR provider agencies in Nebraska. Many thanks to Melody Grim in Grand Island and Amber Seitz in Lincoln for their assistance in this endeavor, we couldn’t have done it without you! Building new interfaces with other systems is just one of the many ways Ahlers software can improve your clinic efficiency and reduce data entry effort. Contact Rich Ahlers or Gary Garcia if you have interfacing needs not being met with your current system, we will be happy to explore possibilities!