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FPAR 2.0: Ahlers & Associates Meets the Challenge!
The first year for encounter-level data file submission to the OPA contractor, Mathematica, is complete and we are pleased to report that Ahlers generated encounter-level data files for ALL of our Title X Grantee clients [...]
Questions About FPAR 2.0? Ahlers Has the Answers!
FPAR 2.0 data element documentation was released by OPA last October and we went straight to work! We've been very busy incorporating most of those new elements into the existing data collection systems of our [...]
FPAR 2.0: Six Months Late and Counting!
In August of 2020 the Office of Population Affairs held a webinar for all Title X Grantees announcing the “final” plans for FPAR 2.0. All data elements and associated values would be in place by [...]