During the COVID-19 crisis, many companies are delivering directly to their consumer’s doorsteps. Is it possible to follow their lead by taking public healthcare a step or two further? Can a public health agency offer nurse and provider visits within the comfort of a patient’s home? Can it be done without breaking the bank or committing already limited resources?
Yes! Yes! And, Yes!
Ahlers and PracticeSuite realize the ongoing challenges our nation and our public healthcare providers are facing – patients are staying home. Public health agency staff are also home with their families; however, patient care must continue. These providers are searching for ways to maintain continuity-of-care for their patients, as well as finding ways to sustain the agency’s cash-flow. With the decline in patient visits due to COVID-19, it is hard to look at a new solution that will cost money with the risk it may not work. In order to alleviate this risk, Ahlers and PracticeSuite are offering our Ahlers Charting Module powered by PracticeSuite subscribers an E-Consult Videoconferencing Platform at NO SET-UP FEE, with only a very affordable transaction fee of .50 per video/phone consult and .02 per SMS transaction. This means that the you only pay for the utilization of the Videoconferencing Platform with no upfront charges.
Now there’s an opportunity that is truly NO RISK!
Access to this Telehealth feature is already available within the Ahlers Charting Module powered by PracticeSuite, so getting started is quick and simple. You only need to contact Gary Garcia at 800-888-1836 x133 or gary@ahlerssoftware.com to begin the activation, setup and training process.